CABLEFLEX TWINGEAR CORPORATION (CTC) has been manufacturing and directly distributing quality control cables for more than 30 years now. The company has two lines of business: control cables and marine wires and equipment.
The company started out as a participant in the Morse Assembly Program (MAP). After completing a special training program in Singapore and acquiring the necessary equipment, the company opened its doors. Led by the family patriarch who also served as the company's first sales representative, business grew. After personally calling on bus companies he then expanded into the shipbuilding and repairs industry. At the same time, he was also running another company which is a direct importer of machine parts. He later merged the two companies since the products were complementary resulting in operational efficiencies which ultimately benefits the customers.
Today, Cableflex Control Cables and product offerings are used widely in marine vessels, buses and trucks, golf and e-carts, truck and automotive assemblies, and personal watercraft (such as SeaDoo, Jet Ski, Waverunner). Continuing that part of its heritage, the company distributes class certified marine power wires, marine steering systems and controls imported directly from the US, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and China. Cableflex Twingear is an authorized distirbutor of SeaStar Solutions, HyDrive Engineering, and Seafirst Engineering.
Contact us today for more information. 30 years of experience you can trust.